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Does the <body> rule the mind or does the mind rule the <body>?

Indecisive Skip Links and their Targets – the Renaissance of the <hr> Element



Do not forget
They tried to turn you
Into a public target

Morrissey, “I am not a Dog on a Chain”

Sometimes, it is easy to identify the position of skip links. Mostly when content blocks follow with a lot of interactive elements, or just a lot of content. But what about their target? Do you always know where to skip to? Do you know what follows your widget, component or element? There are many articles about skip links, but none about their targets. Maybe this is the first…

Accessible Content – Part 5: accessible Graphics



If I smile
Do not be swayed
I simply serve the public image

Morrissey, “Disappointed”

Graphics as such cannot be grasped by blind people unless they are described and explained with text. People who are visually impaired (tunnel vision, colour blindness) may not be able to easily perceive the meaning of the graphics.

Accessible Content – Part 3: Structuring the Page with semantic Elements



When your name’s with the best
Will my name be on your guest list?

Morrissey, “Lucky Lisp”

Some contents require special structure and preparation. These should then also be packaged in the HTML elements provided for this purpose. Every text editor of a modern content management system or blog software helps you to do this without having to understand the exact syntax.

Accessible Content – Part 2: Headings for a better Page Structure



Steely blue eyes
With no love in them
Scan The World

Morrissey, “America is not the World”

You should be breaking up large texts in smaller chunks with headings!

Your contents should be grouped hierarchically and thematically with headings and subheadings. This creates a clear table of contents for the page and facilitates navigation on the page. As soon as a new paragraph is started, a suitable heading should be considered. This makes it easier to roughly “scan” the text.

A Presentation on Progressive Enhancement



Why pamper life’s complexity
When the leather runs smooth
On the passenger’s seat?

The Smiths, “This Charming Man”

Here is a little presentation of a talk I recently held to my colleagues on Progressive Enhancement. It was made to convince my backend oriented fellow developers to implement stuff the right way with some best practice frontend technique.