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Does the <body> rule the mind or does the mind rule the <body>?

A Presentation on Progressive Enhancement



Why pamper life’s complexity
When the leather runs smooth
On the passenger’s seat?

The Smiths, “This Charming Man”

Here is a little presentation of a talk I recently held to my colleagues on Progressive Enhancement. It was made to convince my backend oriented fellow developers to implement stuff the right way with some best practice frontend technique.

I personally think, that Progressive Enhancement is a very important technique to develop a proper user experience in a single page application today. It is often forgotten in the planning process and even more often mourned after, when it is too late to implement it.

The talk on this subject was held by me in German in the company I work for, but I decided to translate it to English to make it reach further. Feel free to share it or hold it in your own company for your developer friends.

You can find the Progressive Enhancement presentation on my website.

It was made with the great presentation templates by shower, strictly in HTML, CSS and some JavaScript. I would like to recommend this tool as well, if you want to make (mostly) accessible presentations in HTML with your own styles.

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