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Does the <body> rule the mind or does the mind rule the <body>?

Accessible Content – Part 1: unique and informative Page Titles



Can you squeeze me
Into an empty page of your diary?

Morrissey, “Hairdresser on Fire”

Let’s start where it all begins: the page title! That’s at least, where all websites “begin”. Page titles, for example, always appear first in search results and already make it possible to distinguish them from other search hits.

Series: Producing accessible Content for the Web



Fifteen minutes with you
well, I wouldn’t say no

Morrissey, “Hairdresser on Fire”

I conducted a big research on producing accessible content for websites with a target audience of editors and content producers. As there are quite a few topics and a lot of stuff to be aware about, I decided to make a series on that an split it all into smaller articles.